We are called to give thanks to God for the many blessings he has bestowed upon us as we celebrate Thanksgiving.


It’s interesting that “thanksgiving” is the meaning of the word “Eucharist”. This means that every time we gather on Sundays, we give thanks. But what are we giving thanks for, and who are we giving thanks to? First of all, we give thanks to God for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross which is the essence of every Mass.


Without this tremendous gift of Jesus’ self-sacrifice, everything else, which we are thankful for, would lose its meaning. Without this gift, we could not have been with the good Lord for eternity. By dying, Christ has destroyed our death and by rising Christ has restored our life!


It is also true that life is rich and there are many things for which we are called to be grateful. God’s blessings are without number and his mercies are without end.


It is a good practice to reflect on these blessings. Yes, life has many challenges and trials. But we ought not to lose sight of what really matters: we are created by God’s love and we are created for God’s love.


This Thanksgiving, how can you thank God more intentionally for the blessings that he has showered upon you?


Fr. Connor