Hosted by the Knights of Columbus Tues. Mar. 4 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm (in the parish hall) Pancakes, sausages, fruit, coffee, tea & juice Kids 5 & under eat free $5. for kids (6 to 12) $15 for adults $35 per family (2 adults, 2 kids) Pay at the door. Advanced Sales ONLY! [Read More…]
There will be two Masses on Wednesday, March 5 – Ash Wednesday 9:00 am and 7:00 pm which will include the service and for the imposition of ashes. Everyone is welcome
You’re invited to a Euchre Social! Where: St. Monica Parish Hall When: Saturday, March 15th Time: Doors open at 6:30 pm, Play begins at 7pm Cost: $5 per player Sign up sheets are on the table in the vestibule of the church (below the bulletin board) There is also a sign up sheet for [Read More…]
Hearing the Gospel this weekend will ring bells for you as you think that you are familiar with it. You’re right on, you are familiar with it but not likely this version but rather Matthew’s version that is titled “The Beatitudes”. Today’s Gospel is from the Evangelist Luke. Let’s go a bit deeper. Matthew is [Read More…]
Beginning Feb. 1/2 until Mar. 1/2, we will be collecting old palms to be burned for ashes. There will be a marked box in the vestibule for this purpose
To all parishioners, It’s come to my attention that framed images are being placed on our church walls without my authorization. Anything placed in the church (including articles on our bulletin board) without my permission will be removed and placed in my office. If the owner does not come to me within a week to [Read More…]
Click on the home box (the above picture of St. Monica Church with the words “Parish Donations”) above for information on how to donate. The parish still has expenses and counts on your support.
Please click on the title for more information.
Beginning Feb. 1/2 tax receipts will be available for pick up on the table in the vestibule of the church. 2025 Contribution Envelopes are also still available for pick up.
Please find a series of links prepared by the Archdiocese for you to be able can watch Mass from home on your computer or mobile phone.
The live webcast of Sunday Mass will be broadcast to YouTube starting around 10:55 am until approximately 12:15 pm.
Please subscribe to our channel.