FOR SALE: Advent Candles & Missals
Nov. 16/17, 23/24, Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 before and after all weekend Masses. Candles $10/set, Missals $5 each.
Nov. 16/17, 23/24, Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 before and after all weekend Masses. Candles $10/set, Missals $5 each.
Parishioners of St. Andrew Parish would like to invite parishioners of St. Monica Parish to join them in celebrating their Patronal Feast Day. We will be having a potluck on Sat. Nov. 16th (following the 5:00 pm Mass). Everyone is welcome! Bring your favourite dish to share. Coffee, tea and juice will be provided
Click on the title for the meeting dates and times.
Our Healing Mass will take place at Wed. Nov. 13 7:00 pm It will include the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and at the end of Mass, the opportunity for individual prayers. Everyone is welcome!
Bring your pruning sheer and come help clean-up the Church flower beds to get them ready for winter. Experience not necessary! Rain Date: Sat. Nov. 2nd 10:00am to 12:00pm
For ALL (both Catholic school and public school) baptized Catholic children. You can only register your child for the reception of the Sacrament of FIRST COMMUNION in person at ONE of the following Parent Information Meetings (parents only). These meetings will take place in the parish hall at St. Monica Church. Choose ONE of these [Read More...]
In honour of our Lady, pleae join us for a procession from the church to our grotto after Mass on Saturday, October 5 for a ceremonial crowning of the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Also, there will be adoration from 9am – 6pm on Monday, October 7 for Our Lady of the Rosary. [Read More...]
Next meeting: Monday, September 23rd after the 7pm Mass
Celebrating 50 Years since our First Festival! Sunday, August 25th Outdoor Mass: 10:00 am Festival/Food & Activities: 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Activities include: Food Trucks, Music by CHRI 99.1, fun inflatables for kids, Majic Show, Ice Cream, and our showstopper – a dunk tank featuring our own priests. There will be a cost [Read More...]
You are invited to our in-person meeting in the parish hall on Thursday, May 23 at 7:00pm. The Finance Council will make its report on 2022 and on future plans. There also will be a report on the pastoral work and plans for the future, as well as the opportunity for questions.