Couples for Christ – Online Christian Life Program
Saturdays from Sept. 26 to Nov. 21, 2020 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm For more information contact us at: [email protected] or click HERE to register.
Saturdays from Sept. 26 to Nov. 21, 2020 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm For more information contact us at: [email protected] or click HERE to register.
On Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m. the Third Annual FallFest will be live-streamed from Annunciation of the Lord Parish. It’s an event where youth come together to have fun, meet friends, and discover how much they are loved by Christ in a non- threatening environment.
Please click on title for details.
Do you need a little help in praying the Rosary? Click on the title line for the link to a good resource.
To see the article, please click on the title for a link.
The Bishops of Canada on May 1 will consecrate Canada to the Blessed Virgin Mary. You can join them in prayer by clicking on the title to otain the document of the prayer.
Since the New Evangelization Summit has been cancelled, register for the U Evangelization Virtual Summit and participate from your own home. No babysitter required!
Guest speakers; Sherry Weddell, Catherine of Sienna Institute (The Church Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow), Nicky Gumble , Alpha (The Online Alpha Opportunity), Pete Burack, Renewal Ministries (Remaining Faithful to the Mission) and Fr. Justin Huang, Diocese of Vancouver (Making Your Parish Visible and Relevant Right Now).
To register, click on the title to access the link.
Sunday, February 9th from 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm Activities will take place in the field behind the main parking lot. Snowman contest, campfire, ball hockey (bring your stick), Hot chocolate, Smores, hotdogs & soup. Everyone is welcome! ATTENTION – Seeking Youth Volunteers! If interested contact Janice by email [email protected] or Nurasha at [email protected]
*** DEADLINE EXTENSION Archbishop Prendergast has asked all our parishes to participate in the following survey, but we have to do so by Dec. 15. We would like at least half the adults of Saint Monica Parish to fill out this twenty-minute on-line survey [Read More...]
Prepare the Way of the Lord
Outdoor Mass & BBQ